About us

After 12 years running a holiday cottage complex with 6 acres of grounds (Little Norton Mill) in rural South Somerset, Lynn and Tom Hart decided to slow down a bit but although they felt a need to ease up, they didn’t want to stop work all together. The complex they ran at Little Norton Mill comprised 6 two bedroom cottages and 4 one bedroom apartments. Lynn did most of the work associated with the cottages, and in addition to a job, Tom spent one day a week mowing the lawns.

Having given some thought to semi-retirement, they decided they wanted to live somewhere warmer but to still be able to access their UK pensions, in a quiet relatively unspoilt area with a property that they could love as much as the Mill.

They think they have found it at Quinta Sao Domingos.

This website and blog is an account of their progress, from packing up and leaving the UK, moving to a new country, and managing all of the development and planning in preparing this new property into the holiday apartments complex it has become. It will hopefully provide inspiration to others thinking of doing the same thing, as well as provide some background information to potential clients in the future.


Lynn in the rain
Me and a friend